NCT: Breastfeeding for Beginners

This is an all-new title for new mothers who need support through the often trying and painful times of breastfeeding a new baby. This book gives them all the practical help they need.

Current research shows that breast is definitely best, so where mothers can breastfeed, it is crucial that they are given the right advice and support. The NCT has over 40 years’ experience of helping new mothers breastfeed successfully and this brand new edition gives mothers all the information they might need. Topics covered include:

  • Why breast is best
  • Positioning your baby
  • How much and how often
  • Overcoming possible problems, such as soreness or colic
  • Returning to work and expressing milk
  • Special cases: twins and premature babies
  • Introducing solids and when to stop breastfeeding

This is a practical and easy-to-use guide will make breastfeeding a rewarding and painless experience.

Amazon Reviews:

The book title says it all really

This is a great book for first time breastfeeders. Just the right amount of information and you have the security that, coming from the NCT, its going to be accurate, research based information. Every woman coming to breastfeeding for the first time should be issued this book in pregnancy – it covers not only the common things like positioning and how milk is made but also common problems too.


Every new mother should be given this book

EXCELLENT – I did not read this book until about 6 weeks after my son was born, but I found it excellent, it answered so many questions and put my mind at rest about breast feeding.
Read it before your baby is born and refer it to during the early weeks – it does get easier trust me.


A helpful straightforward book,

I found this book very useful, I read it whilst pregnant and I am still dipping into it 18 months later. I am sure that the understanding that I gained from this book helped me and my son establish and maintain a succesful breast feeding partnership which we are still enjoying 18 months later.

I have lent this book to a number of friends who have also found it useful.

It is a good balance of theory, mother’s own stories, checklists and useful advise. It can be read from cover to cover or refered to using the index.


An excellent guide for anyone begining to breastfeed

I found this book very informative and helpful. It described the process of breastfeeding in simple, easy to read language. It was easy to follow and offered information on where to go if further help was needed.


Great resource for a beginner

I really enjoyed reading this book. It was supportive without being too militant. It answered a lot of questions I had about breastfeeding and I am sure I will refer to it often when I have my baby. The only reason why it didn’t get 5 stars was I thought it was a little short and could have had some picture or diagrams describing how to position the baby instead of just a written description.

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