March 2023. Spring is on its way.
I’m still laid up in bed with that broken leg I mentioned last time. In fact it turned out to be not just a broken leg, but also torn ligaments on both sides of the knee. So a long recuperation. However I’m trying to work around this. I had a week at the lovely Moniack Mhor where other participants looked after me, brought me teas and coffees, and I came home with A Detailed Plan for the work in progress.
The other thing I came home with is an example of how to get that Detailed Plan turned into a Book (or at least a solid draft). Folk on the course were doing ‘writing sprints’ where you set an intention, set a timer for 25 minutes and then just write, no pause, no editing, just write. And now I’m home I’m continuing to do this. I have three of those sprints every day and aim to write 1500 words in that time – so far I’m managing that easily. My aim – sharing it with you, so hold me accountable! – is to have a completed draft by the end of May. (Would also hope to have a repaired leg by then but that’s not in my hands).
March is a funny month, isn’t it? You feel like it could be spring. Here in Scotland the days are getting noticeably lighter and the equinox is fast approaching. And yet as I write, we are in the grip of icy weather and there is snow on the ground. As I’m not going anywhere, I’m immune to the weather in many ways, but the light does make a difference. As the days lengthen I feel I’ve got more concentration, more energy, even more motivation.
If you’re not there yet then maybe this will help. This month’s blog is my top ten books to get you in the mood for spring.

That reading challenge is also benefitting from the broken leg – 27 read so far this year. I wonder if I’ll keep that up when my leg heals and the weather improves.
If you’re feeling energised and ready to take on the world, then have a look at my article about how to snag an agent or publisher. Hope it helps! For even more help, have a look at my writing book this month.
See you next time!
How to write
As I mentioned, I’ve just written an article for Words and Pictures about how to get an agent – (read it here) so on that theme, this month’s book is an absolute must have if you’re serious about getting your book out there. It’s 360+ words with everything you need to know. It was published in 1999 and I’m amazed there doesn’t seem to be an updated version but I think most of it holds true.