I don’t usually blog about one particular book, but for this, I will make an exception.

Not a beginners book – you need to know what PoV and characterisation etc are for instance – but for someone who w28260537ants to improve, particularly in plotting and editing – this is an excellent read. I particularly loved the last chapter which was full of encouragement for those who are serious about writing but not yet published or agented.
Most ‘how to’ writing books use examples to illustrate certain points of technique, and while this can be helpful, if the extract they’re referring to is from a book you have not yet read, it’s not always that illuminating. The great thing is that this book only uses Austen’s books – so all the examples work (if you’ve read Austen of course). And it’s great to be shown how one writer uses different techniques in each of her books, even though any fan will know that she has a very particular style.

Definitely one to buy and treasure.

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